T0MPA BEATZ ~ soul stealer

⟿⟿ 2/27/25 @ 3:33 AM ⟿⟿
Tompa Album Art

ok so i've been OBSESSED with tompa's stuff lately and i can't even explain how he gets those samples to sound so WARM?!? like they're wrapped in a blanket or something...

the way he flips these old jazz records makes me wanna dig through my dad's dusty vinyl collection again lol. his drums have this perfect crunch that makes my head nod even when i'm trying to sit still!!!

Tompa Beats - Midnight Harbour (3:42)

i messaged him on soundcloud and HE ACTUALLY REPLIED!!! says he's working on a new tape that's gonna drop next month. gonna be first in line to cop that 4 sure. if you haven't heard his stuff yet WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???

~ posting @ 3am with a cup of tea & rain sounds ~


⟿⟿ 2/24/25 @ 11:58 PM ⟿⟿
Vanilla Album Art

YOOOO!! just got my copy of vanilla's "origin" on that BEAUTIFUL blue vinyl and my whole apartment smells like fresh wax now lol! limited to 500 copies and apparently they sold out in like 2 hours??? glad i set my alarm for that drop.

this might be a hot take but vanilla has the smoothest bass lines in the entire lofi scene and i will DIE on this hill!!! the way those 70s samples get chopped up is like butter on hot toast.

Vanilla - Summer's Day (feat. Jstn) (4:17)

my neighbors probably hate me by now cuz i've had "summer's day" on repeat for like 3 days straight. that sample flip at 2:17 makes my SOUL leave my body every single time!!!

~ vinyl crackles forever ~

*~ALEX~* technicAL wizArdry

⟿⟿ 2/20/25 @ 2:22 AM ⟿⟿
ALEX Album Art

spent all weekend trying to figure out how ALEX programs those drums and I GIVE UP lol!!! his patterns are so clean but still have that human feel?? must be using some secret plugin that costs more than my rent smh...

seriously tho, the way he processes those samples is INSANE. crystal clear but still has all that analog warmth. tried to recreate his sound on my sp404 and ended up with something that sounds like it was recorded underwater with a potato.

ALEX - Visions (3:21)

if you're new to ALEX (HOW???) start with "visions" - it's like the perfect soundtrack for coding at 3am when your eyes are burning but you just need to fix ONE more bug lolol. his beats are basically caffeine for your ears.

~ sent from my MPC1000 ~

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